Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving

Leave a Legacy – Consider Planned Giving

Planned giving enables you to maximize your personal philanthropic objectives while minimizing taxes. Depending on the asset given and the gift arrangement selected, you can realize substantial benefits while supporting the Chino Hills Community Foundation.


If you have a will or trust, or are planning to create one soon, you can name the Chino Hills Community Foundation as a beneficiary. Your gift then passes directly to the Chino Hills Community Foundation after your death. You can also name the Chino Hills Community Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan.


A bequest can be one of the following: a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, a gift of the remaining assets of your estate, or a specific asset(s) that is given to the Chino Hills Community Foundation in support of its various programs and endeavors after your lifetime. Bequests can be designated for many purposes, such as scholarships, or given without restriction.

Charitable Gift Annuity

The Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) is a simple agreement between you and the Chino Hills Community Foundation and provides you with guaranteed income for life. You donate cash, stock, or real estate directly to Chino Hills Community Foundation in return for the Foundation’s promise to pay a fixed amount to you during your lifetime. The payout rate is determined based on your age at the time of the gift and when payments are set to begin. The older the beneficiary, the higher the rate.

Benefits Include:

Charitable Remainder Trusts

The Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a highly flexible vehicle. It allows you to donate highly appreciated stock or real estate to a CRT and the asset is sold without the recognition of capital gain taxes, thereby increasing the amount of funds available for future investment and growth. The payout rate is flexible based upon the amount of income you need.

Next Steps

  • Contact us for additional information on bequests or to discuss more about the different options for including the Chino Hills Community Foundation in your will or estate plan.

  • Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.

  • If you include the Chino Hills Community Foundation in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID:

    Legal Name: The Chino Hills Community Foundation
    Address: 14000 City Center Drive, Chino Hills
    Federal Tax ID Number: 26-4424910